Thorsten Müller (German Emotional-TTS dataset)
Identifier: SLR110
Summary: Free EMOTIONAL single german speaker dataset (Neutral, Disgusted, Angry, Amused, Surprised, Sleepy, Drunk, Whispering) by Thorsten Müller (voice) and Dominik Kreutz (audio optimization) for TTS training
Category: Speech
License: Creative Commons (CC0) Licence
Downloads (use a mirror closer to you):
thorsten-emotional_v02.tgz [399M] ( Thorsten emotional German speech and transcripts
) Mirrors:
About this resource:
I contribute my personal voice as a person believing in a world where all people are equal. No matter of gender, sexual orientation, religion, skin color and geocoordinates of birth location. A global world where everybody is warmly welcome on any place on this planet and open and free knowledge and education is available to everyone.

tl;dr Please don't use for evil! Emotional dataset details:
- recordings from male single-speaker native german speaker (Thorsten Müller)
- audio optimized (Dominik Kreutz)
- 300 identical phrases recorded in 8 DIFFERENT EMOTIONS = 2.400 recordings = 175 minutes audio material
- ljspeech-1.1 directory structure
- samplerate 22.050Hz
- mono
- normalized to -24dB
- phrase length 59 - 148 chars
- no silence at beginning/ending
Recording length (300 identical phrases) for each emotion
- "neutral" (19 minutes)
- "amused" (18 minutes)
- "angry" (20 minutes)
- "disgusted" (23 minutes)
- "sleepy" (30 minutes)
- "surprised" (18 minutes)
- "drunk", recorded sober without being drunk, just pronounced it that way :-) (25 minutes)
- "whispering" (22 minutes)
- Twitter Account ThorstenVoice
- Thorstens Github page on open german voice dataset
- Medium article on why i contributed my voice for mankind
- Dominiks Github page
Please keep in mind that a am no professional speaker or voice actor. I'm just a guy sharing his voice.
External URL: Thorsten - Open German Voice Dataset