This corpus aims to provide a free public dataset for the pronunciation scoring task. This corpus consists of 5000 English sentences. All the speakers are non-native, and their mother tongue is Mandarin. Half of the speakers are Children, and the others are adults. The information of age and gender are provided. Five experts made the scores. To avoid subjective bias, each expert scores independently under the same metric. For more details, please read the `` in the corpus.

It is recommended to obtain the latest version of this corpus from the GitHub repository.

You can cite the data using the following BibTeX entry:

  title={speechocean762: An Open-Source Non-native English Speech Corpus For Pronunciation Assessment},
  author={Junbo Zhang, Zhiwen Zhang, Yongqing Wang, Zhiyong Yan, Qiong Song, Yukai Huang, Ke Li, Daniel Povey, Yujun Wang},
  booktitle={Proc. Interspeech 2021}