TIBMD@MUC data set is a Tibetan multi-dialect speech and text data resource, including Ü-Tsang dialect with 52.53 hours, Kham dialect with 5.87 hours and Amdo dialect with 25.93 hours. There are 10390 unique sentences. Speech recording was performed indoors. Recording equipment includes voice recorders, laptops, and mobile phones. There are 87 recorders who are native speakers. The audio files are sampled at 16KHz, 16bit quantization accuracy. The total Tibetan character size is 3006.

This speech corpus was collected by Prof. Yue Zhao's research group in Minzu University of China.This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61976236.

The database is totally free to academic users. You can cite the data using the following BibTex entry:

     title={An open speech resource for Tibetan multi-dialect and multitask recognition},
     author={Yue Zhao, Xiaona Xu, Jianjian Yue, Wei Song, Xiali Li, Licheng Wu, Qiang Ji},
     journal={International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering},
Email: zhaoyueso@muc.edu.cn