name: The AMI Corpus summary: Acoustic speech data and meta-data from The AMI corpus. category: speech license: THE CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-NONCOMMERCIAL-SHAREALIKE v2.0 LICENCE (modified, look for more details in the licence file and/or the AMI webpage) file: ami_manual_1.6.1.tar.gz AMI annotation files (ver. 1.6.1) file: headset.tar.gz Close-talking acosutic data file: Array1-01.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-02.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-03.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-04.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-05.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-06.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-07.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data file: Array1-08.tar.gz Array1 distant acoustic data alternate_url: The official AMI corpus webpage